The whole world is talking about immunity boosting ingredients to stay strong and resistant from this Virus: Cinnamon from Srilanka, Himalayan salt, Salem’s turmeric and what not. Well ofcourse these add an immune quotient in the body. But do not forget they multiply their effect if the body already is nutritionally Sufficient and is well rested. Infact as per research erratic sleep timings single handedly can reduce the immunity of the body by almost 40%.
The effect can be compared with an investment you make in a Fixed Deposits. You gain returns on it only if you have invested regularly and waited for the returns patiently.
Everything in the body just like nature works in synergy. Resting your body will give you outcomes the way nature is reaping at this moment.
So what do we do to boost our immunity:
1. Set a routine (more about it in my last week’s wednesday wisdom) .
2. Choosing to eat junk minus one time, for eg. if you cook something you know is not healthy all 7 days, start eating healthy for one day of 7 days and progress every week.
3. Setting a time to sleep.
4. Including the kaadha (in one of my previous wednesday wisdom – https://www.instagram.com/p/
B9rKm7eHSjv/?igshid=1i90v5lettszm )
5. Adding one healthy food ingredient a day which you hardly use eg. seeds, nuts, sprouts, dried fruits.
While the immunity boosters will simply boost immunity for a while, the rest of it will immunize you long term.n