One in every 2 individuals gives work as an excuse of not eating/living healthy because they like to live life with CONVENIENCE.
This convenience has even given rise to a whole new industry that sells convenience at the click of a button; Online Shopping, Home deliveries, Home Services, Drive through eateries, 2 minute noodles and what not !!
We spend our valuable time behind social media and work only to regret the lost time being left alone later.
We spend on leisure only to later spend on Gym memberships, Liposuctions and weight loss programs
We spend on Convenience just to spend our hard earned money on Medical and Health Care later..
So what is it that we can do to strike a balance between work and Health?
- Preplanning our meals, just like we preplan our meetings or work schedules. Even if preplanning a meal is about ordering meals from outside. Planning helps you prevent binge eating or grabbing that junk in hand when you are actually hungry. It also gives you a self on control and achievement.
- If your entire day is about eating unhealthy then start with any one healthy meal and work your way up.
- If you are already in your journey of eating healthy, start planning your meals especially breakfast and evening snack for that is the time you are bound to cheat.
Convenience is not bad. But prioritizing Health, Self and Family and leaving convenience for small, trivial and unimportant thing is the Key.
Photo credit: Aurora (Promoting excellence in advertising)