Naina Singhania

The Do’s of this Diwali!!

Wishing you a very Happy Diwali!!

Being a festive season, the food that comes with it cannot be avoided..
Rather than mentioning the healthy swaps, here are some even more important things that you will want to keep in mind..
Hydration: The weather, the deep fried foods and sweets often leaves us dehydrated wanting us to eat more. Make sure you include enough fluids to be able to differentiate between hunger and thirst
Stay Guiltfree: Don’t be guilty about eating the festive food. The body gets onto “the fight and flight mode” resulting in fat storage and indigestion.
Quick Workout: A short exercise squeezed in the day is a great way to feel amazing and energetic throughout the day. 
Say Grace: Do not forget that food is a mode to sustain. Be thankful for it..

Do not let festivals be reason of guilt rather let it be a reason of bonding with your loved ones and forming more memories..

Have you always thought Fat Loss is next to impossible?
Do you think you have to starve or eat salads and vegetables to get the desired fat loss??

In this guide, I will cover the points that you need to know when trying to attain fat loss.

Sign up below to grab your copy of the 5 steps that you need to adopt to begin fat loss effectively with some interesting Indianized recipes..